One Club. One Goal. Safety First.
Rifle Ranges
Eye and ear protection is required on all ranges.
Range #1: The Handgun Range - 25 yards maximum
Number of firing points: 23.
Target settings: 7 yards (6 firing points), 15 yards, 25 yards (23 firing points).
Range #2: Combined Arms Range - 100 yards maximum
Number of firing points: 16.
This range is set up to utilize center fire rifles , muzzle loaders, shotgun with slugs, 22 and 17 cal. rimfire and handguns used for hunting big game, generally .44 cal. mag and greater.
Target settings: 25 yards, several on each side of range, 50 yards on all points, 100 yards on all points.
Range #3: Bench Rest Range - 300 yard maximum
Number of firing points: 10.
This range is set up to accommodate long-range precision shooting for big game rifles and to conduct bench rest competition.
Target settings: 100, 200, and 300 yards on all points, 50 yards Rimfire Bench Rest.
Range #4: Action Range - 50 yards maximum
Number of firing points: 10.
This range is set up to accommodate shooting at either paper targets, containers, milk jugs filled with water, or other approved targets. No metal, glass, rocks, or trash (i.e. computer components)
Target settings: Various - 50 yard maximum
Range #5: Law Enforcement Training Range
This range was built to accommodate the local law enforcement organizations. The range is restricted to use by these organizations - ICSC members are not permitted to use this range.
All participants must abide by the ICSC Range Regulations set out for the shooting ranges.
Range Events
Check the Calendar for events that are currently planned for the spring and summer months.
Centerfire Benchrest Match
Range: #2
Match Fee:
.22 Rimfire Benchrest Match
Range: #2
Match Fee: $10
.22 Rimfire Egg Shoots
Range: #2
Match Fee: $10
Sight-In Days
Sight-In Days are hosted annually prior to hunting season generally late OCT/Early NOV.
Range: #2 Combined Arms and Range #3 Benchrest
Special Events
4-H Shoots
Ranges #2 and #3
Law Enforcement
Range #2 Combined Arms Range and Range #5 Law Enforcement Range
Range Information
Check the Calendar for upcoming events.
The club has a total of four different shooting ranges for member use. There is also a Law Enforcement Training Range. Ranges are open year-round. Ranged are closed until 5pm on Hunter Safety days. New members are required to take a range safety training before receiving range privileges.